Alston Moor Partnership

- living and working together in the highest community in England


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Key Issues:

1. Economy

E1 Devolution of services to the local area/employment opportunities
E2 Develop a community income generating project (s)
E3 Support and develop Nenthead Community Shop and Chapel
E4 Develop a brand for the area
E5 Support local businesses
E6 Support local businesses
E7 Support the development of apprenticeships in the area where possible
E8 Support the plans of South Tynedale Railway Preservation Society for expansion over the next 5 years
E9 Secure funding to conserve and improve the townscape of Alston

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We are really interested in what you have to say about our community plan, what ideas you have and whether you would be interested in helping a project along. Please leave a comment here about the Economy in the Community Plan.

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