Alston Moor Partnership

Become a Director

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Do you care about Alston Moor and its future? If so we need you!

NB: The reason we talk about ‘Directors’ and a ‘Board’ is because we are set up as a Limited Company and are therefore obliged to use these terms. If you are part of many constituted groups, you’d be a member of a committee. It’s the same thing, so don’t be put off by it sounding so formal.

There are two routes to becoming a Director – you can be voted in at our Annual General Meeting or at another meeting designated for the purpose, or you can be co-opted by the existing Directors, when more Directors are needed or we require particular skills or knowledge. Whichever route you arrive by, the following are the key issues.

1. You will be willing and able to put in time not merely to attend Board meetings but to engage with meetings concerning particular projects and e-mail discussions around a range of issues (decisions are made only at a Board meeting in general), and to support the work of the Partnership. Board meetings take place on weekday evenings, currently every two months, and additional meetings are organised to suit the participants.
2. You will bring a wish to benefit the whole community of Alston Moor, and a willingness to extend your skills and knowledge in order to do so.
3. You will have experience of working as part of a team in some context – this need not be a formal one, but could, for example, be as part of a group of friends organising a children’s outing together. The important thing is that you are aware of how to work collectively, making compromises and offering constructive criticism.
4. Most importantly, you will bring energy and enthusiasm!

If you would like to be considered as a Director, please provide us with an email stating what skills you think you can bring (these can be formal or informal ones, from good listening to financial experience), and how you hope to benefit our community through the Alston Moor Partnership. In the case of election at an AGM or other membership meeting, please complete and return the nomination form below as well. Your statement will be provided to members to consider before voting.

Download the Form

FilenameLast ModifiedSize
board-nomination-form.docx16.06.2019, 15:26 Europe/London22.64 KB


- living and working together in the highest community in England

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Alston Moor Partnership - becoming a Director