Alston Moor Partnership

Become a Member

Members of AMP receive e-mails with updates about the Partnership's work, are invited to members' meetings (and open, public, meetings), are eligible to stand for the Board of Directors, and are invited to participate in some of the voluntary work that makes AMP 'tick' (such as the initial stages of the Community Plan consultation). Membership fee is £3 for life!

Members of AMP receive e-mails with updates about the Partnership's work, are invited to members' meetings (and open, public, meetings), are eligible to stand for the Board of Directors, and are invited to participate in some of the voluntary work that makes AMP 'tick' (such as the initial stages of the Community Plan consultation). Membership fee is £3 for life!

Become a Member

Please tell us your first name

Please tell us your second name

Please enter your full address including postcode.

Please enter a current email address

Please tell us your most contactable phone no

I wish to apply for membership of the Alston Moor Partnership Limited and agree to be bound by the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and such other requirements as the Directors may from time to time determine. I am a resident of Alston Moor, employed on Alston Moor, or living in adjoining area of Northumberland and having Alston as main centre.

Please check the box to agree.

If you are representing an Organisation, please list it above

The registration fee is £3.00

Please check the box that applies

We send e-mail to update members about AMP activities, the progress of projects, notification of events etc

Please check the box if you would like to receive our newsletter

Thank you for filling in this form. Please complete your submission by clicking on the "finish" button


- living and working together in the highest community in England

© 2004—2023 Alston Moor Partnership Ltd All Rights Reserved. 
Alston Moor Partnership - Become a member